Monday, May 9, 2011

Religion Degree Courses by World Community Service Centre

World Community Service Centre (WCSC) offers Religion Degree courses like B.A. in Yoga for Human Excellence, M.A. in Yoga for Human Excellence. These religion degree coursesare formulated by WCSC The W.C.S.C. is the vehicle to teach the psychic and physical practices synthesized by Vethathiri Maharishi to achieve realization through introspection, purification and meditation. Though these courses are not specifically based on any specified religion it offers various spiritual practices for inner peace and harmony. Human excellene is its motto. It offers Diploma, Master Diploma, B.A. and M.A in Yoga for Human Excellence. To know more details about the course read further.

Spiritual Counseling Studies

By []C. Bailey Lloyd

In general, spiritual counseling studies are geared toward emotional, mental and spiritual maturity; however, specific coursework can help students become certified spiritual counselors.

Spiritual counseling studies curriculums may be comprised of, but not limited to: learning about angelology, channeling, chakras, energy and intuitive healing, meditation and prayer in spiritual counseling, metaphysics, psychic development, reiki, science of mind, and spiritual energy. Through a comprehensive education, spiritual counseling studies allow students to gain the knowledge and skills to establish a career as a spiritual counselor; and successful graduates of approved educational programs can become certified in spiritual counseling.

Typically, spiritual counseling studies are holistic healing art form. Students may enroll at specific learning institutions or attain their courses online or via distance learning programs. In addition, various spiritual counseling studies include spiritual counseling for the grieving and dying; healing touch; dream interpretation; herbal therapies; stress reduction; crisis intervention and other related metaphysical studies.

Healthcare providers may wish to enroll in spiritual counseling studies to continue and earn educational units through seminars; lectures; video educational programs; educational workshops; self-study programs and coursework; and other spiritual counseling studies offered through universities and other educational institutions.

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C. Bailey-Lloyd in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

C. Bailey-Lloyd is the Public Relations' Director for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with [] Find Spiritual Counseling Studies [] at; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.

Article Source: [] Spiritual Counseling Studies

Pastoral Counseling Studies

Seeking a different kind of education? How about pastoral counseling studies? Pastoral counseling studies are educational studies based on a variety of counseling elements, notwithstanding the study of family and personal spiritual perspectives to be facilitated within the level of pastoral counseling.

Most pastoral counseling studies and coursework require some degree of educational background, including related work and life experience. Because there are many careers which may be enhanced by pastoral counseling studies, certain professionals may wish to accentuate their profession by opting to earn a diploma. Pastoral counseling studies may include academic diploma programs which include stress and anger management; Interfaith Ministry Training; various books of the bible; and other personal growth initiatives.

Degreed pastoral counseling studies may encompass an even broader range of educational courses including but not limited to sacred theology; interfaith studies; metaphysics; religious sociology; women's spiritual studies; faith healing; multi-cultural spiritual and religious studies; ministry; divinity; pastoral social work and counseling; and other related pastoral counseling courses.

In addition, pastoral counseling studies may be completed via physical enrollment in a school, seminary or college; but students may also opt to enroll in online learning, home study or distance education programs as well.

Depending on individual coursework, students may go on to successfully graduate to earn the title of Reverend, Ph.D., Met. D, M.A. etc. Furthermore, individuals who have completed their pastoral counseling studies' programs can expect various career opportunities including the ability to work in mental health agencies; hospitals; and private and church-related counseling centers.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on

Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved

C. Bailey-Lloyd in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

Spiritual Psychology - What Is It?

By Gabrielle Ament

What is the difference between spiritual psychology and conventional psychotherapy?

Spiritual psychology looks at you as more than a bundle of body, mind, emotions and behaviors. It includes the concept that there may be something beyond what we normally can perceive. This "something" is held to be benevolent and is often referred to as "soul," "spirit," "higher self" "god," "angels," "consciousness," "energy," "light," and so on.

This concept allows the practice of spiritually based psychology much more freedom than traditional psychotherapy can be. That means that a session may include:

  • meditation

  • guided visualization

  • body awareness techniques

  • relaxation practices

  • intellectual discussions

  • awareness exercises

In addition to more conventional tools. This give your therapist more flexibility in how she is able to approach you and the reasons that you came to seek support in the first place.

Another aspect of spiritual psychology is that it respects clients in their life paths and life choices. Spiritually based therapists value gentleness, kindness and a non-intrusive approach. Ideally they are completely non judgmental and their main focus is always on facilitating and empowering their clients' transformation. You'll find that a spiritual psychologist works much more as a guide than as an expert who has all the answers.

What does spiritual psychology value?

These are some of the values that set this practice apart and in the end probably make it more effective.

  • Creating an authentic, kind and judgment free environment in which clients feel seen, heard and emphatically understood.

  • Helping clients move forward in life more effectively and quickly.

  • Supporting clients to discover and strengthen their own connection to spirituality.

  • Helping clients discover their own individual uniqueness and supporting them to live that fully in the world.

How can spiritual psychology help where conventional therapy stops?

In most cases conventional psychotherapy stops at treating symptoms. Therapists are not interested in deeper personal growth or transformation. For this reason, it is not uncommon with conventional therapy for people to relapse into old behaviors after a period of time.

With spiritual psychology the potential is much greater. In sessions it is possible to heal on a deep level and to make positive changes that really do stick. Spiritual psychology deals more with changing beliefs and attitudes that are limiting you and less with treating emotional "problems" or "issues." This means that you can point yourself toward the positive rather than dwell on the negative.

The individual movement within the practice of spiritually based psychology is always toward less self criticism, more acceptance, and more kindness and love in general. These positive results are common when people meet the right therapist at the right time of their life.

In the end who is spiritual psychology for?

Spiritually based therapy works best for people who really seek change and are open to the possibility of dramatic and rapid personal growth. That said, anyone with a serious mental health issue such as psychosis or severe anxiety will almost always need to pursue other treatments before jumping into this advanced form of transformative therapy.

Gabrielle Ament is a clinical psychologist and person centered psychotherapist. She provides therapy and online counselling. Read more about her work on

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Obtaining an Online Education in Religion

By []Renata McGee

Obtaining an online education in religion prepares students to enter a wide range of careers depending on their concentration. Students can learn about religion in regards to faith, the world, pastoral work, and more. Many online colleges offer degree programs at all educational levels.

Students that complete a degree program in religion can enter fields such as teaching, ministry, administration, journalism, and history. The main areas of study that students can enter include:

*Pastoral Counseling

Students learn the different methods used to become spiritual and religious counselors. Students learn about the different aspects of their chosen religion and the proper counseling techniques to work with clients. Education focuses on sociology, religious perspective, counseling theory, and human growth.


The goal of education in seminary studies is to prepare students to enter careers as priests, pastors, and other religious leaders. Education focuses on exploring the Bible and history of a particular religion. Many online programs dedicate schooling to Christian studies where students examine theology, divinity, and music.


Theology degree programs focus on the spirituality of religions and teach students how it affects people and society. Students study how to live out their chosen religion and understand the philosophy behind it. Most students that complete a theology degree program go on to enter religious careers where they become youth leaders, missionaries, and pastors.

*World Religion Studies

Inside degree programs in world religion students explore a broad view of the field. The relationship of religion and society is studied to present students with a thorough understanding of religion and how it impacts everyday life from politics to art. With this type of degree students are able to pursue secular careers in a variety of areas. Undergraduate study focuses on world religion. Students that go onto graduate level training typically want to enter a religious career.

To better understand what a degree in religion looks like students can research the different options. A bachelor's degree in religion with a focus on entering clergy careers, for example centers on the history, text, and theology of a chosen religion. Undergraduate training gives students the opportunity to step into entry-level positions as Sunday school teachers and program coordinators. Graduate study prepares students for work as ministers, counselors, professors, and researchers.

Online education in religion covers a wide range of subjects based on student's area of interest. Major topics studied in the four main areas of learning may include:Addictive BehaviorsBehavioral SciencesLeadershipEthicsJudaismChristianityPolitical ReligionsThe goal of education is to train students to enter a career based on their area of interest. Students can learn about all of these areas through online study, which prepares them to take on leadership roles within their religious communities. Students that pursue a secular career are able to apply their understanding of religion to government, education, and more.

Students can find the right program for their goals by researching what accredited degrees are available. Full accreditation is offered to qualifying programs that offer the best quality education. Agencies such as the Association for Biblical Higher Education ( rel=nofollow ) can fully accredited online religion programs. Enroll in an accredited online college today and begin training for a fulfilling career.

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Renata McGee is a staff writer for Locate []Online Religion Degree Information as well as Campus Based []Religion Degree Studies at, your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.

Article Source: [] Obtaining an Online Education in Religion

Online Religion and Theology Degrees

Online Religion and Theology Degrees
By []Bob Hartzell

There are degrees in religious studies and in various aspects of preparation for the ministry available online as well as in the classrooms of seminaries and Christian universities. If your interest is in comparative religion, you are better off exploring the options at a traditional university - which by next fall may be offering those courses online as well, given the pace with which traditional colleges are adopting distance learning.

There are several options offered by respected, accredited institutions. The bachelor's degree programs generally mix a fairly broad choice of academic disciplines mixed in with classes on spirituality and on Christian theology. The result is a baccalaureate in Christian Ministry or in other cases, in Theology and Ministry.

Some schools are offering graduate degrees in the field as well. Liberty University has a mix of twenty two master's programs that are a mix of MA, MAR, and MDiv degrees. Those are a Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Religion, and Master of Divinity respectively. Generally, an MAR degree is recognized as qualification for status in the lay ministry and preparation for further study. The Masters of Divinity is meant to convey status as a graduate who is prepared for ordination into a Christian faith.

The Master's of Divinity options include such areas of focus as Church Ministries, Discipleship Ministries, Evangelism and Church Planting and Biblical Studies. The graduate degrees closest to lay studies are the master's degrees in theology, in professional counseling, and in worship ethnomusicology. Liberty's online options cover differing degrees of focus on the evangelical profession, broken out into an interesting mix or specialties.

There is a college in Philadelphia offers online courses in the Jewish faith, and one in Los Angeles that has a distance learning School of Buddhist Studies. There are schools with online courses in Hinduism and Islam as well, and there is a directory for comparative religion courses that has developed recently. Religion has come to the world of digital education, just as every other avenue of learning led to distance learning.

Bob Hartzell writes on careers for On the website you'll find comprehensive resources for []theology and religion degrees as well as information on educational opportunities for hundreds of other professions.

Article Source: [] Online Religion and Theology Degrees

Online Theology Degrees

A minister or priest may spring to mind when people think of training for a degree in religious beliefs. A lot of times this is the case but students can also find schooling options outside of churchly leadership. Whether students are occupied in religious studies to become leaders in their church or prefer to gain ground to build a career, training programs are available. For such endeavors, several schools offer an Online Theology Degree.

An online theology degree is a poly- platform education path that usually includes fields like Philosophy, sociology and history.

Available programs can have students discussing specific faiths like Roman Catholicism or Christianism. Other options may take an all-encompassing approach and have students poring over a variety of religious histories. Online programs offer many training opportunities for students to select from.

Students that get into online learning run through an interactive instruction format that allows for them to work from the comfort of one's own home. An online theology degree program may have students using a few centralized communication technologies like videoconferencing. Pupils can use their ability to lookup online to find the proper program and delivery format that works better for them.

An online theology degree offers numerous program avenues for students to take. Commencing an online program is solely associated to what students prefer to accomplish as a pro. There are a few main avenues students can adopt in order to gain an education. The most obvious option for students is to seek out a degree to become a devout leader. Another option is to pursue a lay vocation where students use their knowledge of religious beliefs to work in a variety of careers like media.

The options to enter a religious leader position permit students to earn an education from an associate's degree to a doctor's degree. The roles students can follow up on in the religious community are directly affiliated to the level of degree they accomplished. Undergrad degree programs often develop students to become Sunday school instructors or ministry outreach leaders. Graduate degrees are usually concentrated on preparing students to become ministers and missioners. To use a religion degree away from this capability students usually gain an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree.

An online theology degree renders students with leadership skills and deep scripture knowledge in reference to certain faiths. Curriculum revolves around practical application, religious contemplation, and using religious knowledge inside and outside of a ministry setting .